The RN-KCET consortium is led by the Municipality of
Corinthion (Greece). Resource nodes are assumed
under the operations of the consortium partners in
GREECE - Korinthia Chamber of Commerce & Industry
SPAIN - Global Skills Network, Barcelona
FINLAND - Smart & Lean, Lahti
CZECH REPUBLIC - Czech Center for Science & Society
PORTUGAL - Escola de Comercio, Lisboa and
Institute IPR in Northern Portugal
BULGARIA - Regional Cluster "North-East", Varna
ROMANIA - Community Development Association, Harghita
TURKEY - Ministry of Education, Ankara
This positions our partners as intermediary stakeholders in their own right, consolidating training and access to
knowledge in a one-stop, centralized resource center in each of our partner countries that also serve as regional
hubs of support for cross-border collaboration. The project supports actions that transform project Associates -
tourism-related SMEs - into valuable investment targets,help them create jobs that contribute to local economic
development, support them as they engage in new market spaces, capacitate them as suppliers in supply chains
through sustainable practices, and align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, among others.
RN-KECT provides the means to improve SME competitiveness and sustainability by:
• providing business support to SMEs and start-ups
• hosting a digital knowledge platform to share research, best practice,
socio-economic data and market intelligence for relevance and
• promoting opportunities for mobility and knowledge-seeking
visits among partners and their associates
• networking, coaching and mentoring to make sense of insights,
innovations, solutions and best practices as well as available
resources that help them grow.
Resource Nodes for Knowledge Exchange, Collaboration and Training
(RN-KCET) aims to build knowledge and empower tourism stakeholders
to take necessary action to accelerate the shift towards a more sustainable
tourism sector through entrepreneurship. The project aims to develop and
put in place transnational and cross-sectoral support that builds capacity
for sustainable growth of SMEs in the tourism sector. Our consortium of
ten partners from throughout Europe will a Knowledge Exchange Platform
that acts as a gatekeeper to knowledge that can incentivize SMEs to
optimize their sustainability. The resulting network facilitating these
outcomes takes shape through the creation of resource nodes strategically
located in areas that are in most need of supporting growth phases and
technological change and overcoming obstacles toward gaining market
share of an industry whose receipts add up billions of EUR.
Promoting a greater engagement of the tourism sector with sustainable development aimed at accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals through tourism
An open call for proposals will identify promising ideas and actions toward
sustainability for 60 SMEs that constitute innovative solutions to challenges
faced in the industry that might prevent their growth and stunt their development
toward sustainability. Actions aim to boost capacity of tourism SMEs through
transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer and by cooperating with
providers of sustainable solutions for training and workshops.
The entrepreneurship education component of the project aims to
capacitate SME owners as competent entrepreneurs, public body/
public-private partnership personnel as competent intrapreneurs,
and project Associates as a whole as extrapreneurs, able to
collaborate to transform ideas and opportunities into products
and services through EntreComp, the European Commission’s
framework for entrepeneurship education and training, aimed at
enhancing their sustainability.
The Community of Practice component supports the
project’s web of knowledge and the axis of communication
between partners and among participants. The
Community of Practice is a digital knowledge platform
hosting a centralized repository of literature and other
information aimed at helping its members grow and
become sustainable while becoming familiar with the Global Goals – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Community of Practice reinforces regional cooperation and peer learning in entrepreneurial learning, education and training in a structured manner.
EntreComp for Sustainable Tourism
A member of the Global Skills Network
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