Brings together a cross-sectoral consortium to address the loss of young professionals and others from the local workforces of our targeted regions.

A member of the Global Skills Network

Copyright © Global Skills Network SL All rights reserved.

A  response to the European Commission's COSME, RETTE

proposes to bring together ten partners in six countries most

vulnerable to losing young professionals who leave their

regions for more prosperous regions and where there are

more jobs. The project creates a series of resource nodes

strategically located in those areas most vulnerable to

population loss, projected at 10% in the next five years in

the ​hardest hit areas of the Baltic region and similar rates

elsewhere. Upon completion of the 36-month project, the

resource nodes will be transformed into regional hubs, able

to reach out to communities in close proximity wanting to

replicate the model in their areas.

An emigration crisis is brewing in the Southern,Eastern and Baltic flanks of Europe, especially acute in rural areas, that requires a new model to create and support small business enterprises to hire, increase revenues, secure capital, innovate and create meaningful impact in their communities. RETTE (Reversing Emigration Trends Through Entrepreneurship)

seeks to engage our consortium partners as hub actors for

their region to provide a mix of training and support to promote and accelerate entrepreneurship that co-creates sustainable,
inclusive social and economic prosperity. Partners supporting

the hubs form relationships and identify needs within their regions to orchestrate joint work around which entrepreneurship ecosystems in their region can bloom and grow. This creates
a re-imagined social innovation sphere that addresses the fact that decades of economic development and public policy have not led to equitable outcomes and constitutes the root problem

of the emigration crisis.

RETTE empowers our hubs as “social extrapreneurs” that connect players to form a social innovation ecosystem to

support an entrepreneurship education training model, which in turn empowers entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in creating ventures that add value to others and adds jobs to the local
economy, prepares young professionals for the local labor market to deter emigration, and adds value to local efforts

toward economic development.

Baltic Region Hub
  * Kaunas University of Technology

Iberian Peninsula Hub
  * Global Skills Network, Barcelona
  * Ajuntament d'Alzira, Valencia

Mediterranean/Ionian Hub
* Citta de Catania, Sicilia
* Consorzio OPUS, Puglia

Central/Eastern Europe Hub
  * Harghita County Council, Transylvania
  * Harghita Community Developmjent As

EU Candidates Hub
  * Turkish Ministry of Education
  * Ankara Provincial Directorate

E-Learning Hub
  * Escola de Comercio Lisboa


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Growing Entrepreneurship

With EntreComp