Growing Entrepreneurship
With EntreComp
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A member of the Global Skills Network
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EYENEET is a cross-border collaboration of 13 partners from ten countries in the Mediterranean aiming to facilitatie the acquisition of marketable workplace skills
and entrepreneurship competences through EntreComp. The
project was conceptualized by EYE - The E-Incubator for Young
Entrepreneurs where unique curricula and coursework was
developed to be delivered via e-learning mechanisms, thus
removing geographical barriers to accessing learning..
EYENEET's targeted project beneficiaries
of NEETs - young people ages 18-28 not
in education, employment or training with
a special effort placed on recruiting women
and the disabled to the project. EYENEET
focuses its efforts on bringing together stakeholders
to engage in dialogue around the NEET-related issues
of youth unemployment and underemployment,
sustainable employment and entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship training for skills and competences demanded by 21st Centruy
Employers and critical for becoming a successful entrepreneur
Ajuntament d'Alzira, Lead Applicant
Global Skills Network, Consortium Administrators
Catholic University San Antonio de Muria
Escola de Comercio de Lisboa
International Centre for Sustainable Develop
Egypt-Japan University of Science & Technology
Egyptian National Research Centre
Jordan University of Science & Technology
Jordan Valley Center for Comprehensive Develoipment
Municipality of Menjez
Lebanese Development Network
Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy
The EYENEET training model focuses on trainees acquiring
Knowledge Economy skills for the 21st Century and beyond
that would sustain them through their journey toward gainful
employment and/or successful entrepreneurship to start a
business. These same skills can also improve their
employability in the 21st Century workforce prepared with
skills demanded by employers - capabilities for analytical
problem-solving, innovation and creativity, self-direction
and initiative, flexibility and adaptability, critical thinking, and
skills in being able to communicate, work in teams and
collaborate. These will empower them to become problem-
solvers, able to look at situations from different perspectives.
They become skilled at defining a problem to consider its
causes towards identifying, prioritizing and selecting
alternatives for its solution. The project attempts to define
what entrepreneurship means to our beneficiaries in
attaining marketable skills.
Their foray into the world of entrepreneurship will support
them in developing valued products and services that fulfill
a need. Likewise, beneficiaries who want to get a job
become equipped with skills in demand by the 21st
Century workforce of the Knowledge Age. Those wanting to
return to formal education or vocational training will bring new
skills for knowledge deepening and knowledge creation.
EYENEET mentors are experienced in the material being
taught, and guide trainees through the training modules,
delivered via e-learning methodologies. They also liaison
with local resources that will support beneficiaries on the
pathway to entrepreneurship, employment or a return to
formal education and/or vocational training
EYENEET - Combating Youth Unemployment in the Mediterranean
Growing Entrepreneurship With EntreComp